Cisco CSS Load Balancer Software Upgrade Procedure

1. Download the latest files for the CSS: Operating System Image and CiscoView Device Manager (CVDM) Image.

2. Log into the CSS using the console port.

3. Archive running-config.

#CSS11503(config)# archive running-config startup-config

4. Create ftp-record pointing to an FTP server, adding an optional base-directory if the CSS image files are not in the root.

CSS11503(config)# ftp-record DEFAULT_FTP anonymous "css" [/base-directory]
CSS11503(config)# exit

5. Copy the new OS image from the FTP server, then uncompress the software.

CSS11503# copy ftp DEFAULT_FTP sg0810002.adi boot-image
CSS11503# conf t
CSS11503(config)# boot
CSS11503(config-boot)# unpack sg0810002.adi

6. Verify that the new OS is installed.

CSS11503#(config-boot)# show install
sg0810002 <-- Look for this entry to verify

7. Configure boot sequence for the CSS.

CSS11503#(config-boot)# secondary boot-file sg0730203
CSS11503#(config-boot)# secondary boot-file boot-via-disk
CSS11503#(config-boot)# primary boot-file sg0810002

8. Reboot.

CSS11503#(config-boot)# reboot

9. After booting up, reload startup-config from archive.

CSS11503# restore startup-config startup-config

10. Install CiscoView Device Manager (CVDM), the CSS GUI.

CSS11503# install-gui ""

11. Type version to verify CVDM is installed.

CSS11503# version
CVDM Version: cvdm-css-1.0